The basis for high-precision dental technique is very accurate impressions and other registrations. These transmitting elements represent the information channel between dentist and dental technician. For this reason the accuracy of these elements is vital in order to avoid losing information and hence producing inadequate results. In implant prosthetics specially when utilising CAD-CAM systems, an even higher precision is demanded from both dentist and dental technician.
The new impression coping system of Elsner System enables an outstanding accuracy in transferring data from mouth to cast and helps for dentists and dental technicians to prevent accuracy problems due to high degrees of axis divergence.
The geometrics of other manufacturer’s coping heads don’t always allow for their single, tension-free removal from the implants. Tensions arising during removal can result in malformed pressings. The advantage of universal impression coping heads compared to the traditional ones is that they are composed of two elements.
The two separate parts are important so that the bottom part of the coping element (which connects to the implant platform) and the upper part (which is fixed into the impression) can be removed tension-free from the implant and from each other at the end of the impression process.